He is really excellent! His performance is very enjoyable and entertaining!. I am so glad that the FAN CLUB has finally been established in San Francisco region. I watched Mr. Shin Yu’s performances with my American friends, and my friends wished that they could understand what he was singing. They even said that they wished some of his songs were in English. They also mentioned that he is very good looking. I am anxious to see this performance in this soil. My friends are exited even with anticipation of going to his show. I’d like to send him a big acclamation.
He is really excellent! His performance is very enjoyable and entertaining!. I am so glad that the FAN CLUB has finally been established in San Francisco region. I watched Mr. Shin Yu’s performances with my American friends, and my friends wished that they could understand what he was singing. They even said that they wished some of his songs were in English. They also mentioned that he is very good looking. I am anxious to see this performance in this soil. My friends are exited even with anticipation of going to his show. I’d like to send him a big acclamation.